Barrette Backs, Hair Findings, Made in France
Notice: Regarding MADE IN FRANCE barrettes....This is an end of life product. Factory has closed. Please plan accordingly. If I find any old genuine French stock I will list it here. PLEASE NOTE: We now have a Asian made substitute for the original French clips. The design is the same, quality good. These are the barrettes marked ( copy) in title. Please read product descriptions.
The barrette blanks that have "French" in the title are are made in France will all be stamped "made in France" They have only two parts to them, the barrette back and the hinged clip. Chinese copies are often sold as a "french clip" but they will not have the "made in France" stamp on them. You will find the Chinese version also have three separate parts, they tend to break and are made of a weaker steel. The measurement given is the length of the barrette back from end to end. You can use these barrette backs to glue, solder or sew things on to. Some items may be finished enough to use as is, but we think they may also be used as a base or pad to build your craft creations on. French auto-lock barrette backs are of Superior quality and meet EU Nickel directive.